Licensing & Regulatory Committee

This Committee is appointed to discharge the duties of the Council in respect of the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005 for the determination of applications under those acts. It has a number of other responsibilities, including the making, variation or discharge of Public Space Protection Orders . Further details can be found in the Council’s Constitution.
15 May 2014 - onwards
  • Meetings
  • Members
  • Other Information


PartyNameRoleMembership Dates
Page 2 of 2, Displaying items 11 to 15 of 15 members/vacancies that match search criteria
Pam Redford Member 28/07/2022 - current
Green Party
Will Roberts Member 28/07/2021 - current
Labour Party
Gabriel Rosu Member 26/09/2023 - current
Liberal Democrat
Sidney Syson Member 15/05/2019 - current
Green Party
Hema Yellapragada Member 03/10/2024 - current


Substitute PartySubstitute NameSubstitute RoleSubstitute Membership Dates
Page 1 of 4, Displaying items 1 to 10 of 40 substitutes/vacancies that match search criteria
Labour Party
Helen Elizabeth AdkinsSubstitute 17/05/2024 - current
Green Party
Kyn AizlewoodSubstitute 08/10/2024 - current
Green Party
Ella Billiald Substitute 18/05/2023 - current
Liberal Democrat
Alan BoadSubstitute 18/05/2023 - current
Green Party
Jonathan ChilversSubstitute 08/10/2024 - current
Labour Party
Matt CollinsSubstitute 18/05/2023 - current
Green Party
Lara CronSubstitute 08/10/2024 - current
Green Party
Rebecca DavidsonSubstitute 08/10/2024 - current
Green Party
Ian DavisonSubstitute 08/10/2024 - current
Andrew DaySubstitute 18/05/2023 - current

Other Information