Warwick District Council's Committee Details



Council is responsible for setting the budget, council tax and signficiant policies for the area.

Audit & Standards Committee

The Committee has two main purposes: (1) to promote and maintain high standards of conduct and governance within the Council and within the Parish and Town Councils within the District; (2) to act as the Audit Committee for the Council.


The Cabinet is the Council's main decision making body, responsible for providing effective strategic leadership.

Joint Cabinet Committee of Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councils

The purpose of the Joint Committee at present is to enable the two Council’s to work more closely in developing a combined Local Development Plan for South Warwickshire and ensuring that decisions are taken collectively and in a timely manner. The Joint Committee will not at present undertake any other function than those defined within the terms of reference below and, as defined by law, and as such the adoption of the South Warwickshire Local Development Plan Document / Local Plan will remain with the individual Council’s for final approval. Each Councill will be represented by three Councillors from the respective Cabinets

Employment Committee

The Committee is responsible for setting policies relating to staffing matters along with the recruitment and disciplinary matters relating to the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Programme Director for Climate Change and Heads of Service.

Employment Sub Committee - Head of Neighbourhood Services

A sub-Committee of Employment Committee set up to recruit a Head of Service - Neighbourhood

Employment Sub Committee - Strategic Director

A sub Committee of Employment Committee set up to recruit a Strategic Director

Housing Scrutiny Committee

Their purpose will be to review and challenge the progress in respect to ensuring compliance for safety under the Social Housing (Regulation) Act and overall view on the operation and delivery of the Housing Investment Plan and the HRA. They provide assurance on the delivery of this to Cabinet (as the responsible body) on behalf of the Council.

Licensing & Regulatory Committee

This Committee is appointed to discharge the duties of the Council in respect of the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005 for the determination of applications under those acts. It has a number of other responsibilities, including the making, variation or discharge of Public Space Protection Orders . Further details can be found in the Council’s Constitution.

Licensing & Regulatory Panels

Sub-committees responsible for determining applications made to the authority under the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005 when representations have been made, and for determining taxi driver license

Overview and Scrutiny Committee

The prime purpose of the Committee is to hold the Cabinet to account and review specific issues within service areas.

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee is responsible for the determination of planning applications.