Warwick District Council's Committees & Forums that no longer meet

Committees no longer sitting

Asset Compliance Committee

To review and challenge the progress in respect to ensuring compliance for safety under the Social Housing (Regulation) Act. The Committee will provide assurance on the delivery of this to Cabinet (as the responsible body) on behalf of the Council

Audit & Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Papers available on line between June 2003 and December 2004.

Audit & Resources Scrutiny Committee

Documents available online for meetings between January 2003 to July 2003 and 2007 to March 2009.

Community Scrutiny Committee

Documents are available to view online for May 2001 to July 2003.

Culture & Social Policy Committee

Documents available to view online from June 2005 to March 2008.

Delegated decisions by the Head of Development Services

The reports in this section cover those matters considered by the Head of Development Services, in consultation with the Chairman of Planning Committee. These are only specific applications under a temporary additional responsibility to enable applications to be determined during the current response to Covid-19. This authority is time limited up to Council on 2 September 2020. The applications that can be determined are those falling under delegation DS(70) of the Council's Constitution as follows: (i) Applications where a written request is received from a member of Warwick District Council within the specified consultation period i.e. 21 days. that Committee referral is required. Such requests should clearly state the reasons why a Committee referral is required. (ii) Applications where 5, or more valid representations are received where these are contrary to the officers’ recommendation unless the Head of Development Services is satisfied that the plans have been amended to address the concerns raised so that there are no more than four contrary representations. (iii) Applications where the recommendation of the Head of Development Services i.e. Grant/Refuse is contrary to the representations made by a Parish/Town Council, i.e. Object/Support, except in the following circumstances: a. the Head of Development Services is satisfied that the plans have been amended to address the concerns of the Parish/Town Council; b. where the representations made by the Parish/Town Council do not raise any issues which are material to the planning assessment of the particular application; or c. where the concerns of the Parish/Town Council have been previously considered as part of the assessment of an extant permission on the site and there has been no change in circumstance. (v) Applications known to be submitted by or on behalf of a Warwick District Councillor, Warwick District Council employee or former employee of the Council, or the spouse/partner of any such person. (vi) Applications submitted by Warwick District Council or Warwickshire County Council, other than for approval of routine minor developments. (vii) Where applications are to be refused and enforcement action is being recommended, following consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee and the relevant ward member(s) except in the circumstances where the Head of Development Services considers it appropriate for that matter to be determined by Planning Committee. (viii) Applications where an Environmental Impact Assessment has been provided. NB: these are additional delegations to those held by the Head of Development to determine planning applications.

Development Committee

Papers available online for July 1999 to March 2000.

Development Plan Working Party

To consider matters in relation to the Regional Spatial Strategy and Local Development Framework

Economic and Community Development Sub-Committee

Papers available on line for July 1999 to March 2000.

Economic Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Documents available on line from 12 August 2003 to 22 March 2005

Economic Scrutiny Committee

Documents available on line from 20 June 2000 to 8 October 2002.

Employment Sub-Committee - Deputy Chief Executive

A sub-Committee of Employment Committee set up to recruit a Deputy Chief Executive

Employment Sub-Committee - Head of Finance

A sub-Committee of Employment Committee set up to recruit a Head of Service - Finance

Employment Sub-Committee - Head of Service Development Services Vacancy

A sub-committee of the Employment Committee set up to recruit a Head of Service, Development Services

Employment Sub-Committee - Head of Service ICT vacancy

A Sub-Committee of the Employment Committee. Set up to deal with recruitment of the Head of Service, ICT

Employment Sub-Committee - Programme Director for Climate Change

A sub-committee of Employment Committee set up to handle the recruitment of the Programme Director for Climate Change

Environment & Economic Policy Committee

Documents available to view on line from 8 June 2005 to 25 March 2008.

Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Documents available on line for 12 August 2003 to 9 May 2005.

Environment Scrutiny Committee

Documents available on line for June 2000 to July 2003.

Executive (Economic)

No Documents available on line at present.

Executive (Environment)

No documents available on line at present.

Executive (Environmental & Social)

No documents available on line at present.

Executive (Social)

No documents available on line at present.

Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Documents are available on line for June 2005 to April 2008.

Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee

The prime purpose of the Committee is to hold the Executive to account and review specific issues within service areas but with a focus on use of resources.

Health and Control Committee

Documents available online for 21 July 1999 to 7 March 2000

Health Scrutiny Sub-Committee

A sub-committee of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee that will deal with health and wellbeing issues only.

Housing Appeals Review Panel

These Panels are responsible for considering appeals made against the Council with regard to specific Housing decisions. They ceased to operate on 1 May 2017 following a decision by Council in April 2017.

Housing Committee

Documents available on line from 2 August 1999 to 13 March 2000.

Joint Appointments Committee

The purpose of the Joint Committee with Stratford-on-Avon District Council is to enable the two Council’s to undertake joint recruitment process for Chief Officers of the Council’s. The purpose and functions of the Joint Appointments Committee are : (a) To agree the procedures for the appointment to any roles listed in (b) (b) To appoint Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive’s, Programme Director for Climate Change and Heads of Service (“Chief Officers”) in line with adopted procedures; and (c) To recommend to Council the appointment of the Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer or Chief Finance Officer in line with adopted procedures. There will be 12 members on the Committee with 6 Councillors from each authroity.

Joint Audit & Resources Economic, Environment and Social Overview & Scrutiny Committee

This meeting only met once (22 February 2005)and its documents are avaialble on lie.

Joint meeting of the Audit & Resources and Executive Overview & Scrutiny Committees

This Committee met once on 17 September 2007 and the documents for this are available online.

Joint meeting of the Audit & Resources and Overview & Scrutiny Committees

This Committee has met twice once in December 2008 and once in March 2010.

Joint meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny and Finance & Audit Scrutiny Committees

This is a meeting of the Council's two Overview & Scrutiny Committees when they meet together to consider items of relevance to both of them.

Leisure Committee

Documents are available on line for July 1999 to March 2000

Licensing Committee (1973 - 2001)

This is the Old Licensing Committee established prior to the Local Government Act 2000. Documents are available on line for August 1999 to 21 March 2001.

Licensing Committee (2005 - 2014)

The Committee is responsible for formulating the Council's Policies under the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005.

Licensing Panel (2005 to May 2014

Sub-committees responsible for determining applications made to the authority under the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005

Performance Review and Sub-Committee

Documents are available on line for August 1999 to March 2000.

Planning Committee (1999 to 2005)

Planning Committee for Warwick District 1 June 2000 to 31 December 2004. Documents are currently in the process of being made available on line.

Planning Sub Committee

Documents are available to view for meetings that took place between 13 July 1999 and 8 May 2000.

Regulatory Committee

The main function of the Regulatory Committee was to consider matters relating to the licensing function of the Council except those licences under the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005.

Resources Scrutiny Committee

The documents for the Committee meetings between 22 May 2001 and 7 January 2003 are availave to view on line.

Resources Sub-Committee

No documents available on line at present.

Selection Committee

No documents available on line at present.

Social Overview & Scrutiny Committee

No documents available on line at present.

Social Scrutiny Committee

No documents available on line at present.

Standards Committee

The Standards Committee main purpose is to promote and maintain high standards of conduct and governance within the Council and within the Parish and Town Councils within the District.

Hearing Panel

To determine cases of potential breaches of the Code of Conduct

Strategy Committee

No documents available on line at present.

Tree Preservation Order Sub Committee

The Sub-Committee is responsible for determining Tree Preservation orders.

Urgent Delegated Executive Decisions

These are urgent decisions being considered by the Chief Executive under his delegated authority to take such decisions in between meetings of the Executive. These are being made available online in advance of the decision date to enable all Warwick Councillors to pass comments or ask questions. This is a temporary process while the current restrictions on movement are in place and before the Council moves to remote/virtual meetings

Urgent Delegated Planning Decisions

At the 20 October Council meeting, it was agreed to delegate authority to the Manager Development Services to issue the decisions for the applications on the agenda for Planning Committee on 21 October 2021, subject to them receiving the views of the Planning Committee, in the form of a vote, via a remote meeting on MSTeams. The documents below provide the records for this process.

Warwick District Towns Conservation Area Advisory Forum

Documents are available on line from April 2000 to April 2012.