Working Parties, Forums and Programme Advisory Boards (PABs)

Abbey Fields Expenditure Working Party

To oversee the expenditure of the Council during the build of the new swimming pools facility in Abbey Fields, Kenilworth

Budget Review Group

A Working Group set up to review the key Council budget papers of the Council. The membership is derived from the Audit & Standards Committee and the Overview & Scrutiny Committee. The Chairman of the Group will attend Cabinet when the reports are considered to amplify the views of the Group. Meetings of the Group are available to watch via the Council's YouTube Channel.

Corporate Strategy Priority 3 - (Biodiversity and the rest of the Climate Change Programme)

To provide advice and guidance on the approach and proposals to be taken in delivering the theme.

Corporate Strategy Priority 1 - Advisory Group

The purpose of the member advisory group is to provide opposition/backbench members the opportunity to informally provide to the Programme Board ‘Road testing’ of ideas, policy development, sense-checking of ideas and proposals, checks and challenges, and advice and guidance regarding the approach and progress to the projects and initiatives that fall within the scope of Strategic Priority 1.

Corporate Strategy Priority 2 – Low Cost Low Carbon Energy Programme – Advisory Group

To provide advice and guidance on the approach and proposals to be taken in delivering the theme.

Corporate Strategy Priority 2 – Low Cost Low Carbon Energy Programme - Project Board

The purpose of this project board is to demonstrate ownership for the change; work as a team to provide collective and unified direction; provide effective delegation with appropriate project tolerances and exception management processes; where required facilitate cross functional working to support delivery of projects and actions; ensure where possible all of the resources required to successfully complete the projects; provide effective decision-making including risk, issue and change management; provide project assurance and quality control; ensure timely and effective communication within the project and with external stakeholders; and ensure that the project deliverables are reliable, sustainable and can be maintained efficiently.

Members - Trades Unions Joint Consultation & Safety Panel

The functions of the Panel shall report to the Employment Committee through its minutes on the following: (i) To provide and maintain regular and effective lines of negotiation, consultation and communication between the Council and its employees; (ii) To consider and make recommendations to the Employment Committee on matters referred to it by either side of the Panel; (iii) To consider any matters referred to it by the Council and/or a committee of the Council; (iv) To receive and make recommendations on issues of health and safety, monitor reported accidents that occur on Council property; and (v) Recommend appropriate action.

Royal Leamington Spa Town Centre Transformation Board

The cross-party Board which is made up of eight Councillors will be meeting regularly to oversee the preparation of a Transformation Framework for the town centre, with the aim of co-ordinating new development programmes, projects funding bids and regeneration schemes. Of the eight Councillors, two are from the County Council and one from Royal Leamington Spa Town Council

South Warwickshire Plan Advisory Group

To act in an advisory capacity to the Joint Cabinet/Executive Committee of Stratford-on-Avon District Council (SDC) and Warwick District Council (WDC) and to provide guidance in preparing the South Warwickshire Plan (SWP). The South Warwickshire Plan Advisory Group (SWPAG) will advise on the policies and strategy of the SWP and will provide a place where key issues for the SWP can be informally discussed in a confidential setting prior to any formal scrutiny or decision making. SWPAG is not a decision-making group and does not have a formal scrutiny function but will act as an informal working / steering group to inform the preparation of the SWP.

St Mary's Lands Working Party

The Working Party operates without a formal set of terms of reference but largely in an understood way of being able to discuss issues in confidence. It is not a Council Committee and so has no formal authority, rather it has influence. Any conclusions/recommendations it makes are fed either into Council officer delegated decisions; or into reports to the Council’s Executive; or, into the decision making processes of the other participating bodies.

Warwick District Conservation Advisory Forum

The Purpose of the Conservation Advisory Forum is to assist in protecting and enhancing the District's special historic and architectural character