St Mary's Lands Working Party

The Working Party operates without a formal set of terms of reference but largely in an understood way of being able to discuss issues in confidence. It is not a Council Committee and so has no formal authority, rather it has influence. Any conclusions/recommendations it makes are fed either into Council officer delegated decisions; or into reports to the Council’s Executive; or, into the decision making processes of the other participating bodies.
01 January 2014 - onwards
  • Meetings
  • Members
  • Other Information


Meeting Date - Start Time : End TimeVenueStatusCalendar
There are no meetings in the specified date range for this committee.


PartyNameRoleMembership Dates
Labour Party
Daniel Browne Member 18/05/2023 - current
Richard Hales Member 18/05/2023 - current
Green Party
Dominic Harrison Member 18/05/2023 - current
Green Party
Will Roberts Member 18/05/2023 - current

Other Information