Housing Advisory Group

To consider and advise Housing & Property Services on policy and practice relating to the way the Council discharges its duties and responsibilities. The HAG will help shape and influence policy and practice across the whole portfolio of Housing & Property Services activity. The HAG will provide an opportunity for Members and officers to share their experiences of receiving and providing services to inform and shape service development and delivery. The HAG will provide an opportunity for Members to feed into service development and delivery the knowledge, experience and proposal they receive from constituents. The HAG will allow the opportunity for all Ward members, through the elected members sitting on HAG, to have a role in shaping and influencing policy development and delivery. The HAG will provide support and advice as necessary to inform Performance and Budget Management of Housing & Property Services The HAG will meet four times a year. Additional meetings may be held as necessary. The HAG will be chaired by the Portfolio Holder for Housing & property Services and membership will consist of: 1Ten Councillors allocated by the group leaders on a proportionate basis. 2The Head of Housing & Property Services. 3The Housing Strategy and Development Manager 4Three tenant representatives – selection to be determined by the HAG elected members. Four members will form a quorum at each HAG meeting. Responsibility for servicing the board sits with the Housing Strategy and Development Team. The attendance of other Councillors, staff members of third parties will be by agreement in advance with the chair.
11 May 2015 - 02 September 2020
  • Meetings
  • Members
  • Other Information


Meeting Date - Start Time : End TimeVenueStatusCalendar
There are no meetings in the specified date range for this committee.


PartyNameRoleMembership Dates
Page 1 of 2, Displaying items 1 to 10 of 11 members/vacancies that match search criteria
Martyn Ashford Member 18/08/2015 - 02/09/2020
Liam Bartlett Member 27/06/2019 - 02/09/2020
Liberal Democrat
Alan Boad Member 08/06/2015 - 02/09/2020
Labour Party
Geraldine Cullinan Member 27/06/2019 - 02/09/2020
Green Party
Ian Davison Member 27/06/2019 - 02/09/2020
Liberal Democrat
Kate Dickson Member 27/06/2019 - 02/09/2020
Whitnash Residents Association
Judith Falp Member 27/06/2019 - 02/09/2020
Val Leigh-Hunt Member 27/06/2019 - 02/09/2020
Green Party
Martin Luckhurst Member 27/06/2019 - 02/09/2020
Mary Noone Member 27/06/2019 - 02/09/2020

Other Information