Delegated decisions by the Head of Development Services

Committee Details
The reports in this section cover those matters considered by the Head of Development Services, in consultation with the Chairman of Planning Committee. These are only specific applications under a temporary additional responsibility to enable applications to be determined during the current response to Covid-19. This authority is time limited up to Council on 2 September 2020. The applications that can be determined are those falling under delegation DS(70) of the Council's Constitution as follows: (i) Applications where a written request is received from a member of Warwick District Council within the specified consultation period i.e. 21 days. that Committee referral is required. Such requests should clearly state the reasons why a Committee referral is required. (ii) Applications where 5, or more valid representations are received where these are contrary to the officers’ recommendation unless the Head of Development Services is satisfied that the plans have been amended to address the concerns raised so that there are no more than four contrary representations. (iii) Applications where the recommendation of the Head of Development Services i.e. Grant/Refuse is contrary to the representations made by a Parish/Town Council, i.e. Object/Support, except in the following circumstances: a. the Head of Development Services is satisfied that the plans have been amended to address the concerns of the Parish/Town Council; b. where the representations made by the Parish/Town Council do not raise any issues which are material to the planning assessment of the particular application; or c. where the concerns of the Parish/Town Council have been previously considered as part of the assessment of an extant permission on the site and there has been no change in circumstance. (v) Applications known to be submitted by or on behalf of a Warwick District Councillor, Warwick District Council employee or former employee of the Council, or the spouse/partner of any such person. (vi) Applications submitted by Warwick District Council or Warwickshire County Council, other than for approval of routine minor developments. (vii) Where applications are to be refused and enforcement action is being recommended, following consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee and the relevant ward member(s) except in the circumstances where the Head of Development Services considers it appropriate for that matter to be determined by Planning Committee. (viii) Applications where an Environmental Impact Assessment has been provided. NB: these are additional delegations to those held by the Head of Development to determine planning applications.
25 March 2020 - 21 August 2020
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There are no elected members on the specified date for this committee.

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