PAB - Arts & Economy Description: The Programme Advisory Board will act in advisory capacity, or providing guidance, in developing and delivering the projects/policies of Warwick District Council and in doing so, enabling backbench members to have greater involvement in shaping the Cabinet decisions of the Council, particularly on services, key projects and programmes (but not day to day operations). This also helps to utilise the skills, knowledge and talent of all Councillors in a more effective way. This board is part of the Development, and Culture, Tourism & Leisure Service Areas and covers topics such as economic development & regeneration, enterprise, events and markets, culture and arts, and tourism. Active: 28 July 2022 - 31 December 2023 Membership: Fixed Substitutions: None MeetingsMembersOther Information Meetings From: December 2023 December 2023 weekMTWTFSS 4827282930123 4945678910 5011121314151617 5118192021222324 5225262728293031 11234567 To: December 2023 December 2023 weekMTWTFSS 4827282930123 4945678910 5011121314151617 5118192021222324 5225262728293031 11234567 Meeting Date - Start Time : End TimeVenueStatusCalendar There are no meetings in the specified date range for this committee. Members Members On: December 2023 December 2023 weekMTWTFSS 4827282930123 4945678910 5011121314151617 5118192021222324 5225262728293031 11234567 Include Retired Members: PartyNameRoleMembership Dates Liberal Democrat Daniel Russell Chairman 29/07/2022 - 31/12/2023 Vacancy Other Information