Employment Committee

The Committee is responsible for setting policies relating to staffing matters along with the recruitment and disciplinary matters relating to the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Programme Director for Climate Change and Heads of Service.
09 May 2001 - onwards
  • Meetings
  • Members
  • Other Information



PartyNameRoleMembership Dates
Page 2 of 2, Displaying items 11 to 11 of 11 members/vacancies that match search criteria
Green Party
Hema Yellapragada Vice-Chair 17/05/2023 - current


Substitute PartySubstitute NameSubstitute RoleSubstitute Membership Dates
Page 1 of 4, Displaying items 1 to 10 of 40 substitutes/vacancies that match search criteria
Labour Party
Helen Elizabeth AdkinsSubstitute 15/05/2024 - current
Green Party
Kyn AizlewoodSubstitute 08/10/2024 - current
Green Party
David ArmstrongSubstitute 08/10/2024 - current
Whitnash Residents Association
Adrian BartonSubstitute 12/05/2022 - current
Green Party
Ella Billiald Substitute 08/10/2024 - current
Liberal Democrat
Alan BoadSubstitute 15/05/2019 - current
Labour Party
Daniel Browne Substitute 18/05/2023 - current
Green Party
Jonathan ChilversSubstitute 08/10/2024 - current
Labour Party
Matt CollinsSubstitute 18/05/2023 - current
Green Party
Lara CronSubstitute 08/10/2024 - current

Other Information