Planning Agenda 8 December 2015
Item 04 - Planning Committee Minutes - 10 November 2015
Item 05 - W-15-1575 - 16 Whitnash Road, Whitnash, Royal Leamington Spa
Item 06 - W-15-1687 - 3 St Johns Terrace, Tachbrook Street, Royal Leamington Spa
Item 07 - W-15-1697 - 6 Jury Street, Warwick
Item 08 - W-15-1842 - The Pound House, Lapworth Street, Lapworth, Solihull
Item 09 - W-15-1726 - 14 Ashford Gardens, Whitnash, Royal Leamington Spa
Item 10 - W-15-1702 - 14 Mullard Drive, Whitnash, Royal Leamington Spa
Item 11 - W-15-1773 - Kentucky Fried Chicken, Leamington Shopping Park, Tachbrook Park Drive, Warwick
Item 12 - W-15-1558 - 1 New Street, Royal Leamington Spa
Item 13 - W-15-1300 - Albion Tavern, 81 Albion Street, Kenilworth
Item 14 - W-15-1473 - Lower Heathcote Farm, Harbury Lane, Warwick
Item 15 - W-15-1740 - Lower Heathcote Farm, Harbury Lane, Warwick
Item 16 - W-15-1664 - 120 Shrubland Street, Royal Leamington Spa
Item 17 - W-15-1628 - Ribbons, Rowington Green, Rowington, Warwick
Item 18 - W-15-1352 - 3 Church Lane, Lillington, Royal Leamington Spa
Item 18a - Additional Item for the agenda
Item 18a - W-15-1294 - Land at Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick
Item 19 - W-14-0661 - S106 Report - Land at Lower Heathcote Farm, Harbury Lane, Warwick
Planning Committee 8 December 2015 Document Pack
Item 21 - Public Speaking at Planning Committee
Summary of Decisions 8.12.15
Addendum - 8 December 2015
Current Appeals report - 8 December 2015
Planning Committee Minutes - 8 December 2015
Planning Committee Minutes - 8 December 2015
Declarations of Interests
Martyn Ashford | W/15/1697 - Item 7 | Applicant is known to him. | Personal | None needed |
Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting