Meeting Details Meeting Summary Committee: Employment Committee Date/Time: 26 Jan 2016 - 16:30 Status: Occurred Venue: Town Hall, Room 18 Add to my Calendar DocumentsAttendanceVisitorsDeclarations of Interests Documents Employment Agenda 26.01.16 (127Kb) Item 03 - Employment Minutes - 16 December 2015 (57Kb) Item 05 - Employment Minutes - 16 December 2015 (confidential)Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual; Item 06 - Housing Aids and Adaptations ServicesInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual; Item 07 - Customer Contact Manager Role ExtensionInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual; Item 08 - Restructure of Health & Community ProtectionInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual; Item 09 - Restructure of Democratic Services and the DMCInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual; Employment Committee Document Pack 26.1.16 - ConfidentialInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual; Employment Minutes - 26 January 2016 (47Kb) Employment Minutes - 26 January 2016 (confidential)Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual; Attendance Attended - Committee Members Name Mrs Felicity Gena Bunker Mr Noel Butler Jacqueline D'Arcy Andrew Day Mrs Caroline Evetts Tony Heath Mr Andrew James Mobbs Neale Murphy Kristie Naimo Alan Rhead Attended - Other Members Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Apologies NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By No apology information has been recorded for the meeting. Absent NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Visitors Also in attendance at the above meeting were: Officers: Richard Hall, Lesley Dury, Abigail Hay, Tracy Dolphin, Andy Jones, Sue Firminger ___ Members of public expressed a desire to address the meeting.