Meeting Details Committee: Planning Committee Date/Time: 5 Dec 2017 - 18:00 to 22:00 Status: Occurred Venue: Town Hall Add to my Calendar DocumentsAttendanceVisitorsDeclarations of Interests Documents Planning Agenda 5 December 2017 (132Kb) Item 04 - Minutes - 7 November 2017 (103Kb) Item 05 - W17 0851 - Grove Farm, Harbury Lane (46Kb) Item 06 - W17 1114 - 135 Chessetts Wood Road, Lapworth (97Kb) Item 07 - W17 1470 Land at Leamington Shopping Park, Warwick (99Kb) Item 08 - W17 1534 - Bakers Barn, Bakers Lane, Knowle (109Kb) Item 09 - W17 1612 - Woodside Farm, Harbury Lane, Bishop's Tachbrook (128Kb) Item 10 - W17 1631 - Land to the North and South of the A45..... (188Kb) Item 11 - W17 1729 - Land to the North and South of the A45..... (96Kb) Item 12 - W17 1639 - The Bungalow, Honiley Road, Beausale (107Kb) Item 13 - W17 1752 - 32 Hamilton Terrace, Leamington Spa (82Kb) Item 14 - W17 1823 - 56 Lower Cape, The Cape, Warwick (60Kb) Item 15 - W17 1829 - 41 The Fairways, Leamington Spa (73Kb) Item 16 - W17 1830 - Priors Club, Tower Street, Leamington Spa (117Kb) Item 17 - W17 1946 - 5 Fairfax Close, Barford (79Kb) Public Document Pack - 5 December 17 (1287Kb) CURRENT APPEALS REPORT 5 DECEMBER 2017 (77Kb) UPDATE REPORT PLANNING COMMITTEE 5 DECEMBER 2017 (48Kb) 5 December 2017 (2673Kb) Attendance Name Mrs Felicity Gena Bunker John Cooke Jacqueline D'Arcy Andrew Day Mr Richard George Edgington Mrs Rowena Ann Hill Terry Morris Mrs Amanda Stevens Barbara Weed Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By Alan BoadUnable to attendBill Gifford Tony HeathUnable to attendRobert Margrave NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction Mrs Felicity Gena BunkerW/17/1752WDC is the applicantPersonalNone John CookeW/17/1752WDC is the applicantPersonalNone Jacqueline D'ArcyW/17/1752WDC is the applicantPersonalNone Mr Richard George EdgingtonW/17/1752WDC is the applicantPersonalNone Bill GiffordW/17/1752WDC is the applicantPersonalNone Bill GiffordW/17/1829Extensive consultation with residents and speaking as Ward Member at the meetingPersonal & PrejudicialSat with public speakers and left the room straight after he had spoken. Returned after the decision was made. Mrs Rowena Ann HillW/17/1752WDC is the applicantPersonalNone Robert MargraveW/17/1752WDC is the applicantPersonalNone Terry MorrisW/17/1752WDC is the applicantPersonalNone Mrs Amanda StevensW/17/1752WDC is the applicantPersonalNone Barbara WeedW/17/1752WDC is the applicantPersonalNone Visitors Also in attendance at the above meeting were: Councillors Gallagher, Murphy, Phillips and Quinney speaking on behalf of residents. Councillor Gifford also spoke as Ward Member. 12 Members of public and five councillors (as above) expressed a desire to address the meeting.