Meeting Details Committee: Planning Committee Date/Time: 9 Jan 2018 - 18:00 to 22:00 Status: Occurred Venue: Town Hall Add to my Calendar DocumentsAttendanceVisitorsDeclarations of Interests Documents Planning Agenda 9 January 2018 (131Kb) Item 04 - Planning Committee Minutes - 05 December 2017 (247Kb) Item 05 - W17 1614 - 19-21 Wise Street, Leamington Spa (183Kb) Item 06 - W17 1641 - The Barn, Stareton Lane, Stoneleigh (60Kb) Item 07 - W17 1700 - Covent Garden Multi-Storey Car Park, Russell Street, Leamington Spa (198Kb) CG scheme with JLL assumptions 071217 (10Kb) Colliers valuation (283Kb) Covent Garden with offices at £1 WDC payment for parking and CIL 09.01.2... (10Kb) Final Version Report Riverside and Covent Garden JLL Development Viabili... (2413Kb) Items 07 & 08 - Riverside House & Covent Garden update report (36Kb) Items 07 & 08 - Viability Appraisal - covering note (38Kb) JLL Updated Viability Analysis 09.01.2018 (111Kb) Note of Explanation regarding updates (35Kb) Note on JLL report 071217 (51Kb) PSP Warwick LLP - Covent Garden Viability Report 110817 (2165Kb) Item 08 - W17 1701 Riverside House, Milverton Hill, Leamington Spa (179Kb) CG scheme with JLL assumptions 071217 (10Kb) Colliers valuation (283Kb) Covent Garden with offices at £1 WDC payment for parking and CIL 09.01.2... (10Kb) Final Version Report Riverside and Covent Garden JLL Development Viabili... (2413Kb) Items 07 & 08 - Riverside House & Covent Garden update report (36Kb) Items 07 & 08 - Viability Appraisal - covering note (38Kb) JLL Updated Viability Analysis 09.01.2018 (111Kb) Note of Explanation regarding updates (35Kb) Note on JLL report 071217 (51Kb) PSP Warwick LLP - Covent Garden Viability Report 110817 (2165Kb) Item 09 - W17 1828 - 121-123 Warwick Road, Kenilworth (112Kb) Item 10 - W17 2087 - Talisman Square, Warwick Road, Kenilworth (119Kb) Item 11 - W17 2136 - 35 Greville Smith Avenue, Whitnash (61Kb) Item 12 - W17 2166 - 154 Rugby Road, Cubbington (61Kb) Public Document Pack - Planning Committee 9 January 2018 (1329Kb) Item 13 - Appeals Report (67Kb) Update report - 9 January 2018 (67Kb) Summary of Decisions - 09.01.2018 - ab (76Kb) Summary of Decisions - 10.01.2018 (79Kb) 09 and 10 January 2018 (2889Kb) Attendance Name Alan Boad Mrs Felicity Gena Bunker John Cooke Jacqueline D'Arcy Andrew Day Mr Richard George Edgington Tony Heath Mrs Rowena Ann Hill Terry Morris Mrs Amanda Stevens Barbara Weed Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By No apology information has been recorded for the meeting. NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Visitors Also in attendance at the above meeting were: WDC Officers - Amy Barnes, Claire Cox (Democratic Services); Tracy Darke, Gary Fisher, Rob Young & David Butler (Development Services). WCC Officers - Caroline Gutteridge (Legal Services); Ben Simms (Highways) Jones Lang Lasalle (Viability Assessor) Nigel Simkin