Meeting Details Meeting Summary Committee: Cabinet Date/Time: 11 Dec 2013 - 18:00 Status: Scheduled Venue: Town Hall Add to my Calendar DocumentsAttendanceVisitorsDeclarations of Interests Documents Executive Agenda 11 December 2013 (59Kb) SoD 11 December 2013 (53Kb) Executive Minutes - 11 December 2013 II (141Kb) Executive Minutes - 11 December 2013 II (142Kb) Executive Minutes - 11 December 2013 (conf)Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 3 - Executive Minutes - 13 November 2013 (135Kb) Item 4 - Refreshed Sustainable Community Strategy Fit For the Future Porgramme (149Kb) Item 4 - Appendix A - Prosperity Agenda v5 (73Kb) Item 4 - Appendix B - The Five Priority Themes (58Kb) Item 4 - Appendix C - Fit For the Future Progarmme update (107Kb) Item 4 - Appendix D - Corporate and Community Services (79Kb) Item 4 - Appendix E - Cultural Services (86Kb) Item 4 - Appendix F - Development Services (101Kb) Item 4 - Appendix G - Finance (108Kb) Item 4 - Appendix H - Health & Community Protection (76Kb) Item 4 - Appendix I - Housing & Property Services (84Kb) Item 4 - Appendix J - Neighbourhood Services (65Kb) Item 4 - Appendix K - Projects and Studies 2013 (72Kb) Item 4 - Appendix L - Locality Improvement Plan 2013 (76Kb) Item 5 - General Fund base budgets latest 2013-14 and original 2014-15 (170Kb) Item 5 - Table page 7 (39Kb) Item 5 - Table page 9 (39Kb) Item 5 - Appendix A - MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL STRATEGY (14Kb) Item 5 - Appendix B - ANALYSIS OF BUDGET MEVEMENTS (23Kb) Item 5 - Appendix C1 - REVENUE BUDGETS SUMMARY (968Kb) Item 5 - Appendix C2 - REVENUE BUDGETS DETAIL (3317Kb) Item 5 - Appendix D - Capital Reserves and Financing (48Kb) Item 5 - Appendix E - Glossary (70Kb) Item 6- Housing Revenue Account Budget Report 2014-15 (129Kb) Item 6 - Appendix A (42Kb) Item 6 - Appendix B (40Kb) Item 6 - Appendix C (88Kb) Item 6 - Appendix D (70Kb) Item 7 - The new Housing Revenue Account Business Plan (641Kb) Item 7 - Appendix 1 (208Kb) Item 7 - Appendix 2 (185Kb) Item 7 - Appendix 3 (50Kb) Item 8 - Assets Review (115Kb) Item 8 - Assets Appendix One (38Kb) Item 8 - Assets Appendix Two (39Kb) Item 8 - Assets Appendix Three (34Kb) Item 8 - Assets Appendix Three (34Kb) Item 9 - Council Tax Uninhabitable discount (94Kb) Item 10 - CCTV Lighting in St Nicholas Park (118Kb) Item 11 - Security of Open Spaces Report (119Kb) Item 12 - HS2 Liason Officer (78Kb) Item 13(A) - Endorse Parish Plans (104Kb) Item 13(A) - Appendix 1 - PARISH PLAN - Executive report summary - Dec 13 (65Kb) Item 13(B) - Rural Urban Capital Initiative Scheme Application (84Kb) Item 13(B) - Appendix 2 (49Kb) Item 13(B) - Appendix 1 (59Kb) Item 13 (C) - New Enforcement Procedure (91Kb) Item 13(C) - Appendix - Enforcement Policy (125Kb) Item 13 (C) - Background Paper - Warwick DC -Peer Challenge review (341Kb) Item 13(C) - Background paper Para 207 NPPF_0001 (66Kb) Item 16 - KPSC business caseInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Appx 1 Smalley Place ownerships Nov 13Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Appx 2a 1915-120B Stage C Lower GroundInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Appx 2b 1915-121B Stage C GroundInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Appx 2c 1915-122B Stage C FirstInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Appx 2d 1915-123A Stage C Second.pdfInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Appx 2e 1915-124B Stage C Section AAInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Appx 3 Talisman Theatre Business Plan Final Community Benefits 2013Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Appx 5 Revenue BudgetInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Appx 6 KPSC Phase 2 Risk Log Oct 2013Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Background paper A Robothams Briefing DocumentInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Background paper B Osbournes Cost Plan - dated 5.3.13Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Background paper C E3 Cost Plan 4164 Smalley Place Scope 6 Dec 12 xlsInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Background paper D Charcoalblue costed equipment schedule 26th Mar13Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Background paper E Life Cycle Cost Plan - March 2013Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Background paper F e3 KPSC Operating costs 27 Feb 13 pdfInformation relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Background paper G Charcoalblue -SLAVES maintenance schedule 28Mar 2013Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Background paper H Sheffield Unversity Report Economic Impact Study of U...Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 16 - Background paper I Talisman Sheffield estimate of economic impact and ec...Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Item 17 - Executive Minutes - 13 November 2013 (confidential)Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Urgent Report - Grant of an Option Agreement for Council Owned LandInformation relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Attendance Attended - Committee Members Name Mr Michael Francis Coker MBE Mr Stephen Paul Cross Moira-Ann Grainger Mr Andrew James Mobbs Mr David John Shilton Mr Norman Vincett Attended - Other Members Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Apologies NameReason for Sending Apology Mr Leslie CabornUnavailable Mr John Stanley HammonUnavailable Absent NameReason for Absence No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Visitors Also in attendance at the above meeting were: Councillor Barrott (Chair of Finance and Audit Committee) Councillor Mrs Blacklock (Chair of Overview & Scrutiny Committee) Councillor Wber (Labour Group Observer) Councillor Gifford (Liberal Democrat Group Observer) ___ Members of public expressed a desire to address the meeting. Councillor Mrs Bromley - representative of Friends of St Nicholas Park