Meeting Details Committee: Licensing & Regulatory Committee Date/Time: 1 Aug 2018 - 10:00 to 16:00 Status: Occurred Venue: Town Hall Add to my Calendar DocumentsAttendanceVisitorsDeclarations of Interests Documents L&R agenda 01 August 2018 (122Kb) Item 04 - Falstaff reviewInformation relating to any action taken or to be taken in connection with the prevention, investigation or prosecution of a crime. Item 04 - AppendicesInformation relating to any action taken or to be taken in connection with the prevention, investigation or prosecution of a crime. Confidential Minutes of 1 August 2018Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual; Confidential Minutes of 1 August 2018Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual; Public Minutes of 1 August 2018 (212Kb) Attendance Name Mrs Patricia Cain J.P. Mr Richard Ivor Graham Davies Sue Gallagher J.P. Bill Gifford Mr Balvinder Singh Gill Mrs Rowena Ann Hill George Illingworth TD Neale Murphy Colin Quinney Pam Redford Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By Martyn AshfordUnavailableMr Gordon Cain Miss Hayley GraingerUnavailable Tony HeathUnavailable Mrs Jane Margaret KnightUnavailableKristie Naimo Mrs Amanda StevensUnavailable NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Visitors Also in attendance at the above meeting were: Amy Barnes - Civic & Committee Services Officer Max Howarth - WCC Legal Advisor Rachel Russell - WDC Licensing Team Kathleen Rose - WDC Licensing Team Leader