Meeting Details Meeting Summary Committee: Cabinet Date/Time: 28 Jul 2010 - 18:00 to 19:35 Status: Scheduled Venue: Town Hall Add to my Calendar DocumentsAttendanceVisitorsDeclarations of Interests Documents Executive Agenda 28 July 2010 (230Kb) Agenda Item 4 - Review of Code of Procurement Practice (86Kb) Agenda Item 4 - Review of Code of Procurement Practice 2010 appendix (180Kb) Agenda Item 6 - Voluntary and Community Sector grants review (96Kb) Agenda Item 6 - Voluntary and Community sector grants review - draft criteria (43Kb) Agenda Item 7 - Relet of Grounds Maintenance and Intgrated Waste Contract (114Kb) Agenda Item 8 - Warwick Town Centre Strategy Action Plan (99Kb) Agenda Item 8 - Warwick Integrated Delivery Plan V11 (316Kb) Agenda Item 8 - Warwick Town Centre Strategy Action Plan 2010 - 2014 (1426Kb) Agenda Item 9 - Oracle Database Savings (90Kb) Agenda Item 10 - Publicaccessreportjuly2010 (76Kb) Agenda Item 11A - OS And FA Scrutiny Report (98Kb) Agenda Item 11B - Rural Initiatives Grants report (89Kb) Agenda Item 11B - Rural Initiatives Grant Appendix 1 (12Kb) Agenda Item 11B - Rural Initiatives Grant Appendix 2 (11Kb) Agenda Item 11C - Consultation on Potential Conservation area - Appendix B (13Kb) Agenda Item 11C - Consultation on Potential Conservation Area for Avenue Road Kenilworth Report (86Kb) Urgent item - EXCEPTION TO THE CODE OF CONTRACT PRACTICE FOR PROCUREMENT OF ESSENTIAL ICT INFRASTRUCTURE GOODS AND SERVICE (95Kb) Executive Minutes 28 July 2010 (124Kb) Attendance Attended - Committee Members Name Mr Leslie Caborn Mr Michael Francis Coker MBE Mr Michael Doody Sue Gallagher J.P. Moira-Ann Grainger Mr John Stanley Hammon Mr Bernard Kirton Mr David John Shilton Attended - Other Members Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. Apologies NameReason for Sending Apology Mr Andrew James Mobbs Absent NameReason for Absence No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction Moira-Ann GraingerMin No 41She was a Warwick Town CouncillorPersonalNo action necessary Visitors Also in attendance at the above meeting were: Councillors Barrott, Gifford, Mrs Knight, Pittarello, Mrs Blacklock and Copping ___ Members of public expressed a desire to address the meeting.