Meeting Details Committee: Cabinet Date/Time: 9 Feb 2011 - 18:00 to 20:25 Status: Scheduled Venue: Town Hall Add to my Calendar DocumentsAttendanceVisitorsDeclarations of Interests Documents Executive Agenda 9 February 2011 (126Kb) Item 3 - Executive Minutes 26 January 2011 (73Kb) Item 5 - Additional Funds or Housign & Property Services (247Kb) Item 6 - Budget 2011/12 & Council Tax - Revenue and Capital (409Kb) Item 6 - Appendix 1 Proposed Summary Budget (52Kb) Item 6 - Appendix 2 - Statement of CFO (74Kb) Item 6 - Appendix 3 Financial Projections (Medium Term Financial Strategy) (122Kb) Item 6 - Appendix 4 General Fund Balance (26Kb) Item 6 - Appendix 5a Reserves Puposes - COMPLETE (101Kb) Item 6 - Appendix 5b - Reserves COMPLETE (56Kb) Item 6 - Appendix 6 Equipment Renewal Reserve not finished (64Kb) Item 6 - Appendix 7 risks influencing general fund balance (47Kb) Item 6 - Appendix 8 Capital Programmes (84Kb) Item 6 - Appendix 9 Capital Variations (59Kb) Item 6 - Appendix 10 20112012 PRUDENTIAL CAPITAL FINANCE (75Kb) Item 6 - Appendix 11 Citizens' Panel (105Kb) Item 6 - Appendix 13 FFF Savings (39Kb) Item 6 - Appendix 12 Financial Strategy - Unfinished (144Kb) Item 6 Supplimentary Recommendations v2 (117Kb) Item 6 Supplementary Appendix A MTFS revised for RSG 2 2 11 (46Kb) Item 6 Supplementary Appendix B Updated Proposed Summary Budget (52Kb) Item 7 - Housing Revenue Account Budget 2011/12 and Housing Rents (116Kb) Item 7 - Appendix 2 1112 (38Kb) Item 7 - Appendix 3 1011 Initial 1112 Rent Setting FINAL (57Kb) Item 8 - Approval of Heating and Water Charges 2011/12 - Coucil Tenants (121Kb) Item 9 - Joint Working with Stratford on Avon District Council (91Kb) Item 10 - Change Programme (254Kb) Item 10 - Appendix 2 (94Kb) Item 10 - Appendix 3 (62Kb) Item 10 - Appendix 4 (51Kb) Item 10 - Appendix 5 (42Kb) Item 10 - Appendix 6 (61Kb) Item 10 - Appendix 7 (143Kb) Item 11 - Feasibility Study of Various WDCassets in Leamingon (139Kb) Item 11 - Feasibility Study Appendix Two (76Kb) Item 12 - Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation (77Kb) Item 12 Summary of the views of the Development Plans Working Party 310111 (113Kb) Item 12 Revised Appendix One to Local Plan Issues and Options Report (225Kb) Item 13 - Rural Local Lettings Exec Feb 2011(3) (3) (2) (423Kb) Item 14 - Warwickshire Local Investment Plan (128Kb) Item 15 - Impact of Financial Reductions on Warwick District Council and the Area (96Kb) Item 15 - Appendix 1 - 13 2011-12 Budget - An Update (406Kb) Item 15 - Appendix 2 'Changes we are making' cont pages (56Kb) Item 15 - Appendix 2 New policing model explained (150Kb) Item 15 - Appendix 2 Right service,first time (188Kb) item 15 - Appendix 2'Changes we are making' fact sheet1 (192Kb) item 15 Appendix 2 150plus January 2011 stakeholder briefing note v3 (107Kb) Item 16A - Scrutiny Committees - Update (82Kb) Item 16B - Transfer of Leamington War Memorial to Leamington Town Council (110Kb) Executive Summary of Decisions - 9 February 2011 (73Kb) Executive Minutes 9 February 2011 (167Kb) Attendance Name Mr Leslie Caborn Mr Michael Francis Coker MBE Sue Gallagher J.P. Moira-Ann Grainger Mr John Stanley Hammon Mr Bernard Kirton Mr Andrew James Mobbs Mr David John Shilton Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. NameReason for Sending Apology No apology information has been recorded for the meeting. NameReason for Absence Mr Michael DoodyUnknown Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Visitors Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting