Meeting Details Committee: Cabinet Date/Time: 12 Oct 2011 - 18:00 to 20:35 Status: Scheduled Venue: Town Hall Add to my Calendar DocumentsAttendanceVisitorsDeclarations of Interests Documents Executive Agenda 12 October 2011 (127Kb) Item 3 - Executive Minutes - 14 September 2011 (117Kb) Item 4 - Fees and Charges 2012-13 (201Kb) Item 4 - APPENDIX A FEES 2012-13 (178Kb) Item 4 - Appendix B (29Kb) Item 5 - Events in Parks Oct 2011 Exec final (113Kb) Item 6 - Parking at Abbey Fields (82Kb) Item 6 - Abbey Fields EHdrawing 3 with swale 20.05.2011 (442Kb) Item 7 - PfHS Updates Report Final (81Kb) Item 7 - Corporate and Community Appendix A (60Kb) Item 7 - Culture Appendix B (57Kb) Item 7 - Development Appendix C (51Kb) Item 7 - Environmental Services Appendix D(i) (53Kb) Item 7 - Community Protection Appendix D(ii) (59Kb) Item 7 - Finance Appendix E (59Kb) Item 7 - Housing and Property Services Appendix F (63Kb) Item 7 - Neighbourhood Appendix G (84Kb) Item 8 - RCW 12102011 revd 20092011 (81Kb) Item 9 - Draft NPPF report (89Kb) Item 10 - Gateway report (100Kb) Item 10 - Gateway Appendix One (335Kb) Item 10 - Appendix Two (581Kb) Item 10 - Appendix Three (630Kb) Item 11A - RUCIS report (95Kb) Item 11A - Budbrooke Appendix 1 (49Kb) Item 11A - St Mary's Allotment Society Appendix 2 (48Kb) Item 11A - Appendix 3 (47Kb) Item 11B - NFHRS Committee report (2) (103Kb) Item 11C - SBRR Report to Executive 12-10-11 (94Kb) Item 11C - Appendix 1 (91Kb) Item 11C - Appendix 2 Plain (26Kb) Item 11C - Appendix 3 (25Kb) Item 11D - West Midlands Councils Constitution (65Kb) Item 11D appendix - Constitution Letter to CE's Sep 11 (95Kb) Item 11D appendixWMC Constitution Agreed version AGM 12 July 2011 (107Kb) Item 11E - proposals for business rates retention report 1 (116Kb) Item 11F - Localisation of Council Tax support report v2 (120Kb) Item 13 - Executive Minutes - 14 September 2011 (Confidential)Information relating to any individual;Information which is likely to reveal the identify of an individual;Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); APPENDIX A FEES 2012-13 with % change (174Kb) Executive Summary of Decisions - 12 October 2011 (60Kb) Executive Minutes - 12 October 2011 (145Kb) Attendance Name Mr Leslie Caborn Mr Michael Francis Coker MBE Mr Michael Doody Sue Gallagher J.P. Moira-Ann Grainger Mr John Stanley Hammon Mr Andrew James Mobbs Mr David John Shilton Mr Norman Vincett Name No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting. NameReason for Sending Apology No apology information has been recorded for the meeting. NameReason for Absence No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting. Declarations of Interests Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting. Visitors Also in attendance at the above meeting were: Councillor Mrs Knight - Chair of Finance & Audit Scrutiny Committee Councillor Gifford - Chair of Overview & Scrutiny Committee Councillor Boad - Liberal Democrat Group Observer Councillor Barrott - Labour Group Observer Councillor Williams - Observer Councillor Mrs Bromley - Observer ___ Members of public expressed a desire to address the meeting.